Roofing and covering
We carry out any type of roofing and waterproofing for any type of roof and with excellent resistance to the most adverse weather conditions.
Do not waste time! Call us without obligation!
We will give you all the information you need and help you understand the real feasibility and costs of your project
Roofing and covering
We specialise in the specific installation of roofing membranes of different types in terms of materials and construction techniques, as well as insulation and waterproofing of flat and pitched roofs.
Roofing tiles and clay tiles
- Roofing with tiles
- Roofs with Dutch and Portuguese tiles
- Roofs with Marseille tiles
- Roman” and asphalt roofs
- Any other type of cover
If necessary, solutions of continuity (dormer window, chimney, etc.) or discontinuity (ventilation elements, snow stops and connecting lines) are applied.
Continuous and discontinuous roofs
- Roofing tiles and clay tiles
- Cement tile roofs
- Bitumen roofing tiles
- Insulated and waterproof panel roofs
- Roofs insulated and waterproofed with synthetic or bituminous membranes
Thermal insulation and permeability
- We make roofs with the best possible thermal insulation: we minimise heat loss in winter and overheating in summer
- We ensure compliance with requirements such as: load resistance, wind uplift, ventilation, insulation, vapour permeability, water tightness, water collection and drainage.
Some realizations
Condominuim maintenance in Novate
Renovation of facade, balconies and waterproofing of terraces